Host Google Fonts Locally

Host Google Fonts Locally

How to self-host Google Fonts Locally for GDPR Compliance and faster Pagespeeds in HTML, CSS & WordPress | Free & Easy

Hosting Google Fonts locally is a crucial step to meet GDPR requirements while boosting your website’s performance. When fonts are loaded from Google’s servers, user data may be transmitted without consent, which can cause privacy concerns. By using local fonts in HTML, CSS, or WordPress, you not only safeguard user privacy but also improve your site's loading speed—quickly, easily, and at no cost. This guide will walk you through the process step by step!

This guide will be using a helpful tool called google-webfonts-helper it helps us to get ultra small WOFF 2.0 font files that are super fast while still preservering the GDPR Complianz.

1. Downloading the font files

Before we can start the implementation we need to first choose our fonts from google-webfonts-helper and download them. To do that we just need to choose a font on the left side or search for one that we would like to use.

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Next you need to choose the font styles. For optimal results, it is recommended to choose essential font styles like regular, bold, and italic. This keeps your design flexible while minimizing the number of files and therefore ensuring faster load times.

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Once you've selected the font styles, the CSS code for implementing the fonts will be generated. Please make sure to save this for later.

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The Last step is just to download the the folder and unzip it. After that the first step to self host your fonts is done. Now we have to implement it on the Site

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2. Implementin self hosted Google Fonts into a HTML/CSS site

Now you can either copy the CSS code from earlier into your existing stylesheet at the top or, for better organization, create a separate stylesheet dedicated solely to the fonts. This way, you can maintain a clear overview of your styles while keeping your main stylesheet tidy. And then just copy the css into your stylesheet. It could for example look like this:

You can now incorporate the fonts into your regular CSS rules, such as in the following example:

Thats it for the HTML/CSS part. I hope that I could help you out if you have any further questions feel free to ask them.

Self hosted Google fonts with Wordpress

In order to implement self-hosted google fonts on Wordpress we just have to install a plugin and let it to its thing. For that we go to the plugins page and click on add new plugin and search for Local Google Fonts and install and activate it.

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That’s it! I hope this guide has helped you implement Google Fonts locally for better GDPR compliance and improved performance. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to help!